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Old 27-04-2009, 08:05   #72
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Originally Posted by Angelika View Post
You´re right, Rona, as always But I´m too old to be as idealistic as you are

On the other hand I do not doubt the good intention of this determination/law. Unfortunately it was not carried out well. Or an example should have been stated. Who knows? There are not much background informations.

Anyway: this sad situation could have been avoided by the dog´s owner.
Angelika, for me this is no idealism, but common sense. . If my generation had obeyed law in 100%, my country (and many more) would still be communist now . If my grandparents had obeyed Nazi law, their Jewish friends would have been exterminated , etc. I belive there are principles more important than legal regulations - law can be changed, but it won't return Majlo his life.

Don't misunderstand me - I'm all for following legal regulations, for reporting law breaking, for getting informed about regulations in other countries, etc. (NB just yesterday I persuaded my two female students not to join their male friends on a cycling expedition to Iran - at first they didn't belive me and thought I was joking when I told them they'd for sure end upin jail ) But I'm against executing legal absurds.

Killing any creature "just in case" in a democratic country in the 21c - for me is a legal absurd, just as for all those, who signed the petition. Aren't there any lions and tigers in zoos - things happen - they might escape one day! Not to mention all the muggers and murderers walking free in the streets in serach of victims...

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