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Old 06-09-2010, 18:13   #28
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Originally Posted by Rona View Post
This was exactly our experience with Tina and now with Lorka. She lives indoors, too. In January/February she was almost bald, had the thickest coat around April/May (with a nice collar) and is now finishing heavy shredding. I'm aware that by spending around 3 hrs per day in the cold weather she will never get as thick fur as dogs living outdoors.
Do you and Vaiva possibly live in very climate controlled environments? If you keep it nice and toasty inside during winter and nice and cool inside during summer, that could account for the "backwards" coats. I know a few years back, we must have kept it really warm in our apartment, because Buddy (our husky) had SUCH a thin coat that winter that he became a huge baby about going out when it was super cold! haha The next year, we didn't keep it as warm and we made a point to take him on multiple long walks through the freezing winter. It only took a few times for him to build up his tolerance to the point where he could stand walking in -0F temperatures when we wouldn't even want to be out there! Now, if only I could get the same results some how for a summer coat.... His coat gets SO confused in the summer, between the hot, hot temperature outside and the nice, cool A/C, that he just continually sheds. I thought finally we were done with it for awhile, when he started blowing coat again! Hopefully this will be the last time until after winter...
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