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Old 14-06-2011, 13:38   #37
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Originally Posted by koomak View Post
Aussi Admin, Doz a etait confirmée par un juge Français assermenté par la SCC française et idem pour Demoniak Diamond , de plus il est champion de France!
je ne crois pas que la SCC Française serait heureuse que vous mettiez leurs compétences en doute! Les juges ne sont ils pas formés par vos soins?
Do you know that the Italian Mutara was bonitated by a Czech judge with the excellent note? Dog which is 100% Mix or Saarloos and 0% Czechoslovakian Wolfdog. That Demoniak is Champion of France IS NOT AN ARGUMENT. Expecially that there are French judges which say that it is visible that he is a wolf cross and not Czechoslovakian Wolfdog. So which judges you want to mention - the one who gave him the titles or the one who know this breed and say he is FOR SURE not a CsW.

But really - I do not want to argue. REALLY. All I want are the DNA tests. Made by official commision who OFFICIALLY (with testing of the look and the chip number) will take the blood of the mentioned female and both her parents and will make test by a official laboratory. After it that the results will be officially posted.

I know that there is a possibility that you was not informed which kind of dogs you are getting. But Doz IS A MIX F1 wolf cross. And Demoniac is also questioned.

Please - I'm sure you want also to clear this. So support us and start to ask by SCC for test of Cpouchka. After you will have the proofs I hope you will know what to do.

We do not ask to kill the dogs or not to put their photos. We ask only to RE--REGISTER them as Saarloos Wolfdogs (since they have already gained the SCC pedigrees) - because it is a breed which fit for them. They are really NOT CZECHOSLOVAKIAN WOLFDOGS.
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