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Old 06-12-2012, 04:14   #93
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Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: Adelaide
Posts: 26

Good morning, yes, of course it is MY perception, whose else? I am presenting my point of view, as everyone else here. And this view IS based on my experience in Australia and what I can read here. And I used "Australia is not ready" as a figure of speech based on what I can see everyday, what people expect from dogs here and also on that immediate interest in the pups, no matter the origin. I think it is pretty clear that I did not talk in absolute terms. As Ina mentioned, it could have happened that the dogs were imported with the best intention and not knowing the background but after getting the information about the origin being unclear - why breeding? The fact that the pups look like CSW does not mean much. I really don't desire to start quarrels here. I would rather help those who dedicate all the efforts, time and funds to import pure CSWs in Australia and do their best to establish a good breeding base. At present I can't do it myself and I am getting a bit scared to see people shortcutting already (the dogs are here already, ok, questionable origin but there is not proof - let's breed, it's soo easy!). The dog breeders community and environment here in Australia in general looks to me very different to the one in Europe. It is more enclosed, not very welcoming for new people, let alone just fans and viewers, this atmosphere and the distances make new owners more separated. In general, people accept mixes of all kind much easier. And don't get me wrong here, there is nothing wrong with having a cross, any kind, might be the best companion ever. But for introducing a new breed, a good breeding base with reliable origin/background is essential. Establishing a well working community of CSW owners, developing into a breeders club sooner or later is another very important step - a club is not only a bunch of people meeting once in a while to have fun together (although that is one of very positive sides of a club life...), it is first of all the source of help and information, leadership and up the certain level also a warranty that the breed will be presented to public in the best ways - through the breeding selection, education of the new owners, publicity etc. Clubs will deal with and promote the pure individuals only. So what will happen with those where the origin is questionable? What else would they possibly cross with? Experimenting? Good, why not, but if anything goes wrong, it can result in lots of bans of the whole breed/s. CSW are not easy, we all know it (and love them for it!) and the pressure and restrictions are getting worse. Is that what we want to risk? Getting CSW banned before it could get known and popular here? Once again, there is plenty of reliable information about the breed and breeders in Europe and I believe also many breeders who wouldn't hesitate to help Australians who would like to start with CSW the right way. Although it is also competitive field, there are breeders that would even advise you to buy from different breeder, should they see it more suitable for establishing a new breeding base. I strongly recommend to everyone in Australia who is serious about having a CSW to get as much information upfront as possible, be patient and make a wise choice. A good breeder will give you pros as well as cons of the breed, it is good to know what you are going to deal with...:-) Good luck
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