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Old 13-12-2012, 07:08   #153
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My credability is just fine thanks Oh and actually that breeder did speak to me, and other people up untill health tests were brought up.

She isnt a CzW so nope Why dont you try worrying about your credability.

As far as I can see there is enough to "suggest" they are crosses. Especially since the breeder HIMSELF said so about the male. Which in turn means yours. If you wanted "pure" CzWs you should have waited and done some research.

If no health tests have been done the chance of illness is much much higher. If that happens how can they possibly be "wonderful ambassadors"? Yes they will stir up interest. Which is why the best examples would have been better. Healthy, good temp dogs would get alot more attention. If they end up in shelters it will actually go against them. Thats why its wise to be careful who you sell to.

I actually think you know very little of what goes on with registered dogs. You dont just send off for a peice of paper
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