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Old 03-05-2013, 12:23   #18
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So, if this dog has such an atrocious temperament, has been and still is? Such hard work, what ethical person would consider breeding from him and risk passing the traits on? After all, temperament isn't all environment.
I own a dog of the live stock guarding type known to be stubborn, independent and obviously guardy, he'll guard when let off lead, he's turning into a proficient watchdog... Research told me he was unlikely to behave like a stereotypical Labrador and that's not what I wanted.
Even the most basic breed descriptions of the CSV, makes a point of stating that they can be challenging, and males especially, so frankly, I don't know what else was expected?
Perhaps there was an underestimation of the level of challenge and perhaps the breeder believed that wasn't the case, at least the breeder is trying to fix the error.

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they drag you down to their level,
then beat you with experience.
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