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Old 13-10-2002, 09:12   #54
Per Olav
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Default Norwegian situation


The Norwegian situation is a more complex one and a "heavenly mix" of
different ingredients.
One is the upcomming proposal of a new "dog law" and its ban of dangerous
In a received letter from The Minister of Justice, The Minister writes
something like : It is dependent of the results of the evaluation process
wether these breeds [CsW and SW] are concidered dangerous or not. If the
conclusion is in disfavour of the breeds, the nex step is to decide what
to do with those species already imported to our country.

Another moment is the ongoing debate related to wolves and wolv-dog
hybrids. Tonje has written a mail on the subject. This is copied below
this information.
Mr Ben Werner advocate both sides of the opositions arguments, both the one
of dangerous breeds as well as that of wolf-wolf dog hybrids.

Myself I have not been aware of the manic resistance against our breeds
from certain individuals and groups until recently. On the contrary -
people have been most curious and friendly but the last months the media
has been publishing several unfriendly articles about the subject, and our
main television channel has produced a most unfriendly feature. Mr Werner
was intervied as an expert on our breed, most probably due to an article of
his, published on a net page related to banning of "dangerous" breeds.


Per Olav
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