Thread: CzW in Serbia
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Old 01-08-2011, 07:33   #6
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I appreciate your reasonable approach and don't think you expect too much. On the contrary, you will be surprised how quickly vlcaks learn new things (good and bad!) and how much they understand, naturally provided they are given opportunity to learn. Obeying is a different issue, but comes with time and consistent repetitions, patience and good motivation.

In my opinion you've thought about many aspects except one: opportunities to socialize your pup! If you don't show your young czw "the world" you'll eventually end up with a fearful animal afraid of people, noises, etc.

You need to expose the puppy to various surfaces, different people, take him to friendly stores, offices, parks, and wherever they let you in with a little overactive beast , show him crowds of people, traffic, roadworks, teach him to travel on buses and trains, etc. Naturally, you also need to find time for this and be ready for some portions of humility, when you pup misbehaves ... There are no shortcuts in brining up a vlcak. There more time, energy and heart you put into it, the better contact you'll have with the adult dog.

IMO the "genetically" good character and very good socialisation are more important than acres of land and "perfect" conditions if you want to have a companion that trusts you is eager to learn and is not afraid of the new situations.

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