Thread: Car sickness
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Old 13-02-2002, 14:57   #4
Junior Member
Join Date: Jul 2004
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Default Car sickness

Hello Pack!
Let's give it a Howl too,... we (the dogs and I) actually howl together at
regular times : ),... so,: Hooooowl!

Hello Jeffry,

I Agree with Pavel and Per, car sickness is an individual thing (not
I never heard CSV are more carsick then other dogs, in conterary, I almost
have to prevent my dogs from joyriding! : )

With dogs, Not as with Humans, car sickness does not come from the
equilibrium organ ('balancing organ near the ear') but with dogs car
sickness normaly comes from nervous (side)affects.

I know there are special sedating medicine for dogs (especially young dogs)
to try to prevent car sickness, you can get them at the Veterinaria if

But in my opion it's better to get the dogs used at travelling starting as
a pup (if possible) by taking them out on short trips as soon as possible
and make them know that it is fun to go out!
Do not feed them before (otherwise they can use it twice)
Please don't pay to much attention to them (not like it's a human baby who
is sick) my experience is that it is better NOT to give them to much
attention, the dog can easely interpred it wrong at such a moment, it makes
the wrong link (1+1=2) and the problem will consist or even get bigger.(the
car (1) is a unpleasant experiance (1), so they refuse to get in? (2))
Take another dog with you if possible, they know how to act, otherwise
you'll have the risk that you unwillingly learn the dog to remember the
negative things of travelling.
Let them know it's nothing scary but it's just a short trip ALWAYS followed
by some fun outside!
Try to make longer trips and build it up.
Have Fun!
Veel plezier!

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