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Old 17-06-2011, 03:47   #83
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Odpovedam nielen na temu otcovstva Issara Kollarov dvor, ale na spochybnenie otcovstva vseobecne. Vsetci dobre vieme, ze jedine testy DNA povinne vo vsetkych krajinach mozu situaciu spolahlivo vyriesit. Nespravne udaje o rodicoch ovplyvnuju vsetkych chovatelov a majitelov. Financna otazka nie je jednoducha, ale riesitelna. Myslim si, ze by sa tato tema mala riesit oficialne na urovni jednoltivych chovatelskych klubov resp. nadriadenych kynologickych organizacii ak v danej krajine klub CSV este nie je.
Issar Kollarov dvor v sucasnosti skutocne je v chovatelskej stanici Crying Wolf, jeho majitelom som ale stale ja. Krytie Issar x Flash CW (vrh Y CW) sa uskutocnilo v dobe, ked Issar bol stale u mna doma a ja som bola osobne pritomna pri kryti.
Slovensky klub chovatelov CSV ma vcera poziadal o spolupracu v tomto pripade, preto pripadne informacie poskytnem KCHCSV SR. Tuto situaciu budem samozrejme riesit v uzkom kontakte s Edit Molnar.
Cela CSW komunita si vsak musi uvedomit, ze obvinovanim jednotlivych chovatelov na akychkolvek forach a vyzadovanim DNA testov touto cestou nikdy nic nedosiahneme. Uskutocnit test DNA je len krok A, treba mysliet aj na nasledne kroky. V pripadoch jednotlivych DNA testov uskutocnenych PRED uvedenim povinneho testovania vo vsetkych krajinach bude tiez nevyhnutne doriesit mnohe otazky, napr.:

Kto je opraveneny oficialne poziadat o test?
V pripade, ze majitel/chovatel bude suhlast s testom, kto bude financovat test a spojene naklady?
Co sa stane, ak test potvrdi, ze udaje o rodicoch boli falosne?
Co sa stane, ak test potvrdi, ze udaje o rodicoch boli spravne?

I am responding not only on the topic of Issar Kollarov dvor’s paternity but on paternity dispute in general. We all know well that only DNA tests compulsory in all countries can solve the situation finally. False data on parents can impact all breeders and owners. Financial issue is complicated, but solvable. I assume that it should be organised officially on breeders’ clubs or superior organisations (if there is no CSW club in a particular country yet) level.
At present, Issar Kollarov dvor really is in Crying Wolf kennel but I am still his owner. Mating Issar x Flash CW (litter Y CW) happened when Issar was still at my place and when I was present there.
Slovak CSW club asked me for co-operation in this particular case yesterday, therefore I will provide the Slovak club with potential information. I will deal with the situation in close contact with Edit Molnar, of course.
However, the whole CSW community should realise that accusing any particular breeder on any forum and asking for DNA test that way we will never achieve anything. Doing a DNA test is just the step A, we have to think about consequent steps as well. In cases of particular DNA tests carried out BEFORE introducing compulsory tests in all countries it will be inevitable to answer many questions, such as:

Who is eligible to ask for a test?
Provided the owner/breeder agrees to do the test, who covers the test and related costs?
What happens if the test confirms the parents data being false?
What happens if the test confirms the parents data being correct?
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