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Old 10-01-2007, 20:47   #1
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Default Highlandwolf - Reactivation

Do you remember Highlandwolf?

It seems he managed to put his ideas into practice - there were two addresses of UK based breeders put on Dogsey Forum yesterday.

Ther first one is Paul's - Congratulations, Paul! The puppies are gorgeous!!!

and the other - of Highlandwolf

Just out of curiosity, does anyone know who sold him the CSV pup? The following fragment appears especially awkward:

The wolfdog is not a specialised dog but in fact very versatile due to its highly tuned nature. It should not be owned by anyone (in my own opinion) with small children, pets etc. However if you are to consider owning a wolfdog as a pet it would be useful to be able to answer 'YES' to the following questions...

* Do you love wolves?
* Do you have another dog?
* Do you live in the countryside?
* Is your home free of small children?
* Can you walk 2/3 miles a day, rain, hail or shine?
* Do you have a brick kennel with a big run?
* Are you patient and persistant?

If you can answer 'Yes' to all the questions above, you would be suitable as a wolfdog owner. Otherwise I would think twice. The reasons are as follows...

A companion dog for your wolfdog is essential, you will need to leave him alone from time to time, and unless you have another dog as a companion for him you WILL come home to a destroyed home, trust me! If you live in the City, Forget a wolfdog for now unless you can keep up with the demanding excersice needed for him (and also keep him away from children, cats, smaller dogs etc). A brick kennel is also a must in my opinon, Wooden kennels WILL be chewed through, as will rope/leads if he is tied (they can bite twice as hard as a German Shepard, so trust me this doesn't take long). A good long chain is also quite essential for those times when you need the house as a 'people only' place. Oh yes one other thing, They WILL run away if given half a chance, and kill other animals for that matter, so a chain lead is a must. Please consider these reccomendations, as they will hopefully help you decide whether or not a wolfdog is for you...

Guys, are your kids, cats and other small animals still alive, of have they been devoured by your CSVs?

In the links section he put that is among
Other UK based Wolfdog Sites

Well, no further comments!
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