Greyfarer (Hanaoka, Jing)

General information
Owner name:Hanaoka, Jing
Kennel name:Greyfarer
kennel breeding dogs with FCI registered (or recognized) pedigrees
City:907 31 Los Angeles, CA
Country:Egyesült Államok
More contact info:Fórum: yukidomari
Skype: yukidomari

2024-07-21 - Greyfarer
Boomdabash Revolution -Old Greygun- x Greyfarer Ashira

Earliest date of pick up:2024-07-21
Apa:Boomdabash Revolution -Old Greygun-, HD: A1 - excellent, ED: A - normal, DM: N/N
2 x BOS, 4 x Best Male, 3 x BOB, 1 x BOG 3., 1 x BOG 2., 1 x BOG
Anya:Greyfarer Ashira, HD: A2 - good, ED: A - normal, DM: N/DM
1 x BIS, 1 x BOB, 1 x BOG
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