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Wolfdog.org forum Rules

Registration is required in order to post messages on the Wolfdog.org Message Board. Registration is free. We don't request personal information other than your e-mail address (although you may include such information in your user profile if desired).

Considering the real-time nature of this bulletin board and the volume of messages received, it is impossible for moderators to verify the information posted. We do not vouch for or warrant the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any message, and are not responsible for the contents of any message. Users should be particularly wary of legal or other professional advice posted on the message board and recognize that it is no substitute for in-person consultation with a competent professional. Messages express the views of their authors, not necessarily the views of the operator of the Wolfdog.org, or any entity associated with it.

You agree, through your use of this service, that you will not use the Wolfdog.org Message Board to post any material that you know or should know is false and/or defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or in violation of law. You agree not to post material that in our opinion encourages activity that is illegal. We reserve the right to revoke the posting privileges of persons misrepresenting themselves on the Wolfdog.org Message Board.

You agree not to post any copyrighted material unless the copyright is owned by you or by the operator of the Wolfdog.org Message Board, except as permitted by the "fair use" provisions of the copyright laws (in general this means brief excerpts only). You agree to abide by the wishes of the board moderators in interpreting and enforcing these rules. Refusal to cooperate with board moderators or to abide by these rules is grounds for revocation of your posting privileges.

This message board is intended as a medium for public discussion. Do not post spam, including but not limited to advertisements, chain letters, pyramid schemes, solicitations, offers to trade or barter, charitable appeals, or other messages primarily intended to promote a cause, venture, organization, event (except Wolfdog.org-related events), website, or other entity or activity, whether or not money is involved. Do not post spam in your signature or send it via the Wolfdog.org Message Board's "private message" feature. We allow exceptions for worthy causes (in our sole opinion) if you obtain prior permission from a moderator or administrator. We do not require prior approval for non-commercial gift exchanges, e.g., "secret Santa" exchanges. The administrators and moderators of the Wolfdog.org Message Board, make no representation that they have investigated or vetted charitable appeals, gift exchanges, and similar activities promoted on this board or groups or individuals associated with them. We do not vouch for, monitor, sponsor, endorse, or have any formal association with such activities. Proceed at your own risk.

Do not post the same or similar messages or threads to multiple forums; multiple threads on the same topic; or an excessive number of threads on any topic within a limited period of time.

You are free to express your views in a forceful manner provided you remain civil. Hate speech, insults, and purposely inflammatory remarks (i.e., trolling) will not be tolerated. Do not post threats or state or imply that any individual or group is deserving of harm. If we tell you to refrain from behavior that we regard as uncivil, do so or face revocation of your posting privileges.

Do not post links to pornography - we will be the judge of what constitutes pornography. Links to nudity or other potentially shocking or offensive material are permissible only in the context of a mature discussion - gratuitous posting of such links is grounds for revocation of your posting privileges. When posting a link to potentially shocking or offensive material, observe the "two click" rule - don't link directly to the item, but rather to an intermediate page that in turns links to the item. If you're not sure whether a link is appropriate, contact a moderator or administrator before posting it. Any user who feels a posted message is objectionable should contact the moderators of the affected forum by e-mail.

Only one screen name is permitted per user. If you wish to change screen names please email an administrator. Use of multiple screen names is grounds for revocation of your right to post under ANY screen name. We reserve the right to refuse postings from screen names we find objectionable.

Vandalism, tampering, or any other abuse of the site is grounds for immediate banning. We reserve the right to report violators to their Internet service provider and law enforcement.

We reserve the right to delete any message for any or no reason whatsoever. You remain solely responsible for the content of your messages, and you agree to indemnify and hold harmless Wolfdog.org, Jelsoft Enterprises Limited (the makers of the bulletin board software), and their agents with respect to any claim based upon transmission of your message(s).

All postings and other material on the Wolfdog.org Message Board are copyrighted by Wolfdog.org. Republication of material appearing on the Wolfdog.org Message Board without express written permission of Wolfdog.org is prohibited, except that users retain the right to republish their own work. By posting on this board you grant Wolfdog.org and its successors and assigns a nonexclusive irrevocable right to reuse your posting in any manner it or they see fit without notice or compensation to you.

Wolfdog.org and its agents, including the administrators and moderators, are not responsible for anything associated with any real life meeting of our members. While we permit Wolfdog.org Message Board users to post announcements and other discussion of meetings and events on the Wolfdog.org Message Board, we don't organize, sponsor, endorse, approve, or have any formal association with such events or any activities that may occur at them. We don't vouch for any individual or group organizing or participating in an event. Attend at your own risk. Wolfdog.org Message Board moderators and administrators who attend events do so as private individuals and not as representatives or agents of Wolfdog.org. We encourage all attendees at these events to obey the laws of the jurisdiction in which they are held.

Privacy policy: Wolfdog.org respects your confidential information. Confidential information is information that you are required to submit in order to participate on the Wolfdog.org Message Board and that is not publicly available. We will not release confidential information about you except in the following circumstances: (a) we have your consent; or (b) we believe in good faith that we are legally required to do so; or (c) there is an emergency involving personal danger; or (d) you have vandalized our site or otherwise behaved in a manner that warrants our contacting the authorities or your Internet service provider.
From time to time we may acquire nonconfidential but sensitive information about you, some of which you may have posted yourself to our board. We won't disclose or repeat such information except as (a) reasonable and necessary to manage our business, or (b) required by law, or (c) consistent with good citizenship, e.g., to prevent or report a crime or to respond to inquiries from law enforcement.

You are required to submit and maintain a valid e-mail address. If you do not wish to receive e-mail from other Wolfdog.org Message Board users you may so indicate in your user profile. However, we retain your e-mail address in our database and reserve the right to have Wolfdog.org Message Board staff contact you. We won't give or sell your e-mail address to bulk mailers, brokers, or similar entities.

We log your Internet address (IP number) each time you post. The IP number tells us your Internet service provider. We reserve the right to reveal the IP numbers and e-mail address (but no other confidential information) of chronic Wolfdog.org Message Board rule violators to other bulletin board operators. We do this to identify guests registering under multiple screen names.

Please remember that postings on this board are visible to anyone with access to the Internet, and are retained in a database indefinitely. In addition, the Wolfdog.org Message Board is open to third-party search engines ("spiders"). Please do not post personal revelations or other information that may come back to haunt you. In particular, do not post your telephone number or address.

Please remember that you are our guest here, and that we reserve the right to exclude you at our whim, for any or no reason whatsoever. SIf you have been banned from the Wolfdog.org Message Board and resubscribe, you will be banned again without notice . By registering and using the board you acknowledge this right and agree to abide by our rules and to submit to their interpretation and enforcement by our moderators and editors.

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