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Gypsy Wolf 06-07-2012 00:02

Further Adventures of Pollux
So I haven't posted in a while, but I did want to share some funny stories. As previously reported, Pollux was permanently adopted by a firefighter once his girlfriend fell in love with Pollux, too. Interestingly, Pollux loves the girlfriend more than the firefighter, and she reports that when the firefighter isn't home - off on his 24-hour shifts - she actually feels safe, for the first time, as Pollux is there to protect her.
As I have also mentioned, CsV are brilliant, and Pollux is no exception. So here's a typical Pollux story... Apparently Pollux LOVES to go riding in the firefighter's jeep. As he is normally perfectly behaved loose in their home, both the firefighter and his girlfriend had no worries leaving him loose for an hour or so while they went out to dinner.
Well, Pollux decided he wanted to go riding in the jeep - he easily opened the door into the laundry room and then the door from there into the garage. He's already pretty experienced at opening doors, so his "people" have made sure the back and front doors to the house are adequately protected against his skills.
Later inspection showed, through nose and paw prints, that Pollux attempted to enter the jeep from multiple places - including the windshield - but couldn't. Instead, when the firefighter and girlfriend returned home, they activated the garage door opener to see a huge hole in the rear jeep soft-top "window." Not quite sure what happened, the firefighter rushed in to check it out, only to find Pollux happily relaxing in his usual place on the back seat waiting patiently to go for a ride in the jeep...
They have found a way to make sure Pollux does not do a repeat of the "jeep incident" as well as prevent him from bothering the couple when they are making meals in the kitchen - Pollux does not like vaccuum cleaners - so they station a vaccuum cleaner in front of select doors and the entry into the kitchen and Pollux makes sure to avoid those places. And, of course, there are some places not even a vaccuum cleaner would keep him out... behind the firefighter's parent's house there is a horse farm. Pollux likes horses, but better than that, he likes their manure. Fresh, still steaming manure. Pollux easily clears the very high fence in one graceful leap, rolls vigorously in the fresh poo until he is well-coated with it, leaps back over the fence and proudly flaunts his delicious scent to his not-so-thrilled master. Multiple baths later, the firefighter reports there is still the faint smell of horse poo, but it seems only time gets rid of the last traces of smell.
His adoptors have neutered him and continue to take him just about everywhere. He is the honorary canine mayor of the local dog park, and much-loved by the humans and canines (even the normally dog-aggressive dogs like Pollux) in his neighborhood, so I am sure I will hear more stories of Pollux's adventures...

Shadowlands 06-07-2012 10:33

Thank you for updating us on Pollux :) He has become a close friend of many of us, even though he is on another continent :P

It is so good to hear that he has found a forever home where he is understood and loved, 'warts' and all :)

Juri Z.P. 06-07-2012 13:43


so I am sure I will hear more stories of Pollux's adventures...
I hope - good storys!!

Thank you for the story - very very good - listen to this - he is well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

you have a picture for us:-)?


best regards and a big hug to Pollux...

yukidomari 06-07-2012 16:39

Really cool Pollux seems happy. Though I have to wonder, haven't you been going around telling everyone that Pollux is a mixed dog? So I'm a little confused what he is actually being represented as.

Gypsy Wolf 14-07-2012 03:42

Pollux is a CsV, though we think it's possible there is a little Saarloos in him :) So when people ask what he is, his owner generally says "Czech Wolfdog" and I constantly hiss "Czechoslovakian VLCAK!" so Americans don't think he is a hybrid (a common thought - or they just walk by and I can hear them say "oh, yeah, that's definitely a wolf").
Interestingly, I finally persuaded his firefighter to join us at our Schutzhund club (it's only taken me a year to convince him SchH does NOT make a dog aggressive!)... my club members were THRILLED to see silly Pollux, and we all had a laugh --- the VERY FIRST thing he did when he got onto the training field was ANALLY MARK it. Too funny!
He didn't forget a thing - happily playing with our female "helper" and I was relieved that his firefighter now sees what I meant about Pollux enjoying the game and hanging out with the club...

AMERICANI 28-07-2012 02:43

What factors show the possibility of Saarloos content? Just curious...

tupacs2legs 28-07-2012 12:18

[quote=Lunas Mom;434649]

Pollux is a CsV, though we think it's possible there is a little Saarloos in him :)

so he is MAINLY csv...not a pure csv.... thats just like me calling one of my crossbreeds a siberian husky even tho he has a little of other breeds in him ;-)

im very glad pollux is having a lovely life :)

Gypsy Wolf 01-08-2012 00:49

We believe he has some Saarloos as he exhibits some phenotypic differences and certainly behavioral differences... very "wolfy" - skittish...

jmvdwiel 01-08-2012 08:39

I don't likt it that you are saying that he is a saarloos cross. If you want to know if that is true, if he is a cross with a red saarloos you can do an DNA test for the B locus!
Otherwise don't say he is a cross that way you insult the breeder.
Skittish behaviour you can also find in pure breed CSW, although this should not be the due to the breed standard.
Gossip wil stay Gossip until proven that it is the truth.

GalomyOak 01-08-2012 16:16

Not to open an old can of worms, but I have heard distant rumors that an official DNA test is/was to be done for Y Crying Wolf litter...I think this should clear things up one way or another?

Gypsy Wolf 01-08-2012 20:35

I have enough "evidence" from credible sources to believe Pollux has some Saarloos blood in him through his Y litter dam. I have no interest in exposing those sources, nor do I care enough to go through the expense of a DNA analysis that may or may not prove anything (particularly if the Saarloos was not a "red").
He has not been registered, is neutered, and would not have been bred anyway, due to his character faults, that he is a DM Carrier, and if indeed the Y litter ends up being tested and positive for Saarloos genetics, his registration/titles and any offspring's registration/titles would be null and void.
We do not care one way or another whether or not Pollux has Saarloos in there or not. He is in a very loving, PATIENT and happy home, is kept active and stimulated and continues to be socialized extensively in an attempt to improve his temperament issues.
I am not insulting the breeder - sometimes "oops" breedings happen - without the breeder's knowledge and as both breeds are very similar, such an accidental "mix" would not necessarily be evident until adulthood - if even then. I am sure there was no attempt to intentionally fool us. He has enough Saarloos traits to lead me to believe there may be some in there, and as far as I know the Y litter question has not been answered. At this point enough time has gone by and the things we wanted to do with him initially no longer apply, so it doesn't matter to us whether his is 100% Vlcak or not.
We love him, goofy personality and all, and I believe that is the only thing that really matters.

yukidomari 02-08-2012 18:25

It's great that he's loved and found a good suitable home, but the breeder should do everything in their power to resolve open issues. Not doing so IS a reflection on the breeder's integrity - accident, malicious intent, or whatever. ..

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