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Old 31-10-2008, 12:19   #38
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Originally Posted by massimo View Post
Some breeders I consider EXCELLENT have litters in Group B just because they used a MALE which doesn't have bonitation or used a dog which has just youth bonitation and not adult bonitation.
I think x-raying hipps is really necessary and important for health of the breed - even if it is not required for breeding permission (what I personally can not understand). I think, here it is in the responsability of every good breeder for the health of the breed!

I think it is a good idea to show somehow, which breeders are responsible and do care for the health of the breed and which ones do not.

In Germany bonitation is not necessary for getting breeding permission. Yet, many good breeders do take care for their dogs having bonitation - and the German Club does offer bonitation in Germany once a year. Therefore I also think bonitation is good for the breed - although bonitations have to be looked at very carefully...

BUT with "B-list" I see the following problem for stud dogs for the countries, in which bonitation is not necessary for breeding permission: Sometimes people have good and interesting males as "family dogs" - but sometimes those people are not really interested in breeding. So sometimes the breeder can persuade them to get breeding permission for the male, and they will do it. But the big problem is, that you probably won't get the owner of the male to drive hundreds of kilometers to do a bonitation for this dog - if it is not required. So now - if you as breeder use this stud dog for your bitch and it is a good and responsible mating - you will be in "B-list", even if all your dogs do have bonitation - and "just" because the male does not have bonitation... So it might be a reason, not to take this stud dog - although it would be a good mating???

One of my questions is about HD results in database...
If a dog is 5 years old, has had litters and there is no HD results in the database - I think it is clear: there are no x-rayed hipps and no HD results (or bad results and not published...) . So checking the database I can see myself, that the mated dogs are not x-rayed (and maybe not bonitated). But how about the young breeding dogs?? If there is no HD results in the database - is it, because they are x-rayed, and the results are with Margo already - but not entered in the database yet? Or is it, because the dog is not x-rayed (or with bad HD results) and the results are not with margo (yet)????

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