Thread: CW in the UK
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Old 08-03-2009, 19:48   #21
Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 575

For me problem is not European or American wolf, but about regulations !
If you are a recognized breeder(does`nt matter what breed), you are not allowed to use your pedigree dogs to crossbreeding/mixbreeding, as it will discredit the big work there have been done to create the breed and undermine the the work of the kennel clubs all over, to make sure the recognized breeders is working for the better of the specific breed.
...At least this is how it works in Denmark

For me crossbreeding and mixbreeding is the same, only names are different

Hybrids is really not a valid word to use, when speaking of mix/cross between wolves and domesticated dogs.
From a biological point of weiw, a hybrid is the name of the ofspring from two different species, wolves and domesticated dogs are the same species(eurasian wolf = canis lupus lupus / domesticated dog = canis lupus familiaris)

I like all dogs, wolfdogs more than other dogs and wolves most of all

Greetings Rolf
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