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Old 13-05-2009, 20:54   #458
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Two friends, Horse and Rabbit, were out playing in the meadow. Suddenly Horse sank into a soft marshy pit and was about to drown. "Go get the farmer", he told Rabbit. Rabbit went to the farm house, but the farmer was nowhere to be found. However, his Hummer was there, keys in the ignition. Rabbit jumped into the Hummer, drove to the meadow, threw a rope to Horse and tied the other end to the Hummer and pulled Horse out of the pit.

The next day they were out playing in the meadow again. This time it was Rabbit who suddenly dropped into the same pit. Horse didn't think twice, stepped carefully over the pit so his dick was hanging over Rabbit and told Rabbit to hold on tight and he pulled him out.

Moral: if you're hung like a horse, you don't need a Hummer .
Just treat stupid situations like a dog.....If you can't play with it or eat it.......
Then just piss on it and walk away .
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