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Old 09-12-2012, 09:58   #112
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Originally Posted by Rona View Post
There is no sense in talking with somebody who is convinced he knows everything best and is sure that everybody except him are ignorant/silly. Especially if such a person has vague idea about genetics and no idea of the prinples of breeding ethics/good practice.

There is no sense in wasting time on exchanging arguments with somebody who, though a novice to the breed, does not appreciate the knowledge, experience, expertise and authority of people who spent many years dealing with vlcaks: on judging them, bonitating, breeding, etc.

There is no point in talking to somebody who is arrogant, impolite and lacks willingness to educate himself in what he is talking about.

No wonder people went mute. EOT for me, too.
I'm delighted you're not going to reply. Your above comment is baseless, you've provided nothing to back up your statements.

You say I'm arrogant, but don't explain why.
You say I know little of genetics, yet don't explain why.
You think my dogs aren't pure, yet don't provide any evidence.

Where did I say EVERYBODY is ignorant? I called one person ignorant as they clearly have not being reading anything, they even thought I was a breeder.

Also, I think it's pretty ignorant to say an animal isn't pure because it's not registered with a particular organisation. Yukidomari at least has the intelligence to realise that.

I think it's far more arrogant to think because you have a history with the breed, you can say that someone's dogs aren't pure without backing it up with evidence. And then to insult someone because they question your statement, is just ridiculous.

Do you sell your pups with genetic test results? Because if not, how are we supposed to know that the actual parents are the dogs that you have listed on the papers? How do we know you're not mix breeding?

Call me impolite if you like, but unlike you, I don't make statements without providing evidence. I don't insult people without evidence. As I said, I'm glad you're not replying, you haven't said anything important anyway.
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