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Old 13-01-2007, 21:10   #41
z Peronówki
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Originally Posted by martiou07
Anubis wolf z peronowski, fils de jolly Z molus, qui a deja reproduit en france ous l affixe windspet hillocks.
Yes, and I hope Philippe will turn active again because some Slovakian breeders are strongly interested in Anubis as stud dog... but it is so hard to contact his owner at the moment...

Originally Posted by martiou07
jsuis pas d accord avec ton raisonnement, anelie et akela sont des femelles que tu peux te permettre avec n importe quel male en france nouveau sang, avec Glazya tu ne peux pas, coté maternel enormement de chien ont les mmes origines.
There are different aspects...

First there are no "real" unique dogs by CzW because all dogs are related pretty much... If you find any UNIQUE line think very careful WHY is it so unique....
What I mean? If a line is HEALTHY, GOOD LOOKING and with GOOD CHARACTER than many breeders want to use dogs from this line... And it means the blood spread in the breed and becomes more popular... The best example is Czech Republic - there were three main blood "lines". "Reolups" which were known for many positive characteristics and two other - one known for good coat and HORRIBLE HD-results and one known for dogs which saw more like German Shepherd Dogs. None of the breeders wanted to cover his females with the "GDS" Also dogs with bad HD-results were not allowed for breeding. What was the result? The healty line is pretty common, the two lines (GSDs and dogs with bad HD-results) are VERY unique....

We have the same situation in Poland. Many people are asking us which lines they should import - and I really can not say them to import most of the "unique lines" because I can not tell people to import dogs which will be "unique" but for sure not "typical as CzW" and very probably also not heathy... Sure - sometimes there are so called "suicides" It means people which decided to import unique lines and hope the dogs will be healthy and also good looking... But such people know that the probability thet they will have luck is pretty small... In the most cases they end like one of the polish breeders which imported "totally different Czech blood" - his dogs have unique pedigrees but.... nobody want to use them. Why? Because the dogs look like shy, huge, brown shepherds with very heavy bodies and additionially they come from a 'unique' line which is unique because of very bad HD-results of the dogs from this line...

Another example - one of our friends asked Czech breeding comittee member that he want to import to his country a (future) stud dog... The Czech person told him "I have a VERY unique dog for you". He bought this dog... Unique was the only interesting thing on this dog.. It was one of the puppies which was waiting in CZ VERY long for a buyer because nobody was interested in this line. Why? The father of this dog was "unique" because of 28 x-rayed dogs only 2(!!!) were HD-free. The rest had middle and strond HD. NONE of the puppies of this male get the P1 (excellent) note on the bonitation - all get max. P3 (very good). There was also nothing "wolfish" on his puppies - all were much too heavy as for a Wolfdogs. The "puppy" were looking not like a small WOLF but like small SHAR-PEI.... And in the future he will be maybe a stud dog but will be not able to INCREASE anything by this breed - so the question is if anyone will use him for breeding... Even if his line is unique...

One example from Slovakia - one of the breeders decided to import an UNIQUE dog. And he made it... Now the dog is already stud dog, HD-free but...noone want to use him. Why? Because of his pedigree - it is full of dogs with bad HD-results and he is a STRONG inbreed on a dog with HD-C. So none of the good breeders want to use such dogs for his females because the risk the the puppies will have HD is much to high.

One example from Czech Republic - our friend decided it would be nice to import new UNIQUE line to CZ. She bought a male from a kennel which was know for very nice looking wolfish dogs... The male didn't reached the MINIMUM of height. And although he was small and light his HD- result was HD-E(!). The woman though it was a mistake and she took another dog from this line... This dog was a little bit bigger - he almost reached the minimum... But was HD-D... Now she told us she will never import any dog from this line again even if the breeder would give her the puppy for free...

So everyone who want to import VERY unique line from other country must think carefully WHY the line is so unique... Because the truth is in many cases "UNIQUE LINE = BAD QUALITY LINE which nobody want to use". Of course there are exceptions. There are really litters which are VERY interesting and unique. And really worth to import... But I would say of 10 VERY unique litters only 1 is a GOOD litter...

Originally Posted by martiou07
Falco zo senneg demi frere de Kondor, fils de Cezar od pavlisina, le père de Glazia ayant reproduit sous le mme affixe
Cezar od Pavlisina was one of the dogs which was used pretty often because he was one of the most famous (and best) CzWs. Many people say that without his son Ikar z Krotkovského dvora the Czech CzWs would still look like huge GSDs (because of Kazan z PS). He was also used by Krotkovsky but most of his dogs are gone... Now the breeding comittees in the origin coutries try to save his blood because the breeder really cared for breeding typical CzWs. In Slovakia they asked the owner of Pama z Krotkovského dvora to breed the female. In CZ the breeding comittee members found and bonitated Kondor z Krotkovského dvora. But it is problematic because it is not a young dog - at the moment he become the number one as stud dog there - last year he had about 7-8 matings in the most famous Czech kennels but only with Jolly the puppies were born... I hope more Kondor's puppies will be born because there are almost no more dogs which are so wolfish according the colour of the eyes, the colour and lenght of coat, and the bone structure...
And it is very important because at the moment the breed has some problems with too much "GSDs" - too heavy dogs with 'doggish' heads, long bodies with short legs. So now 'precious' are not just "unique" dogs but interesting dogs which can have positive influence on this breed (on the look, health and character)...

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