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Old 06-09-2002, 14:25   #27
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Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 9
Default Norwegian proposal of banning, and the Norwegian Kennel Club

That the Norwegian Kennel Club is reluctant to get involved in the SW/CSV
issue, has nothing to do with education in my opinion. Rare breeds (and mixed
breeds) are not really considered by the Norwegian Kennel Club. I don't think
they would make any stand, unless there was a threat of banning retrievers,
norwegian elkhounds, setters, pointers - or dog shows! Maybe they would rise
to the occasion if banning of/restrictions on breeds like rottweilers, GSDs,
Riesenschnauzers etc. became a reality, but I am honestly not sure. (There is
a lot of talk about banning and restricting dangerous breeds here in
connection with a new "dog law". So far it seems like Norway will go for
restrictions of the type implemented in Germany. Whatever the Norwegian Kennel
Club is doing about that, is not quite obvious.)

Their reluctancy in the case of SWs and CSVs is probably also fueled by the
assosiation to wolves, a debate they certainly don't want to get mixed up in.
There is no Kennel club assosiated breed club for CSVs and SWs (as far as I
know). Even if there was such a club, it is doubtful that that would have any
influence on the Norwegian Kennel Club. We who only are "wolfdog fanciers",
don't have any say either. After all, we don't own a wolfdog so we don't
really know what we are talking about. Therefore Per Olav and other Norwegian
wolfdog-owners stand quite alone here. In addition, as Sanna points out,
having a wolfdog puts you in the category "wolf lover" which makes any support
even less probable.

It would probably be helpful if the Norwegian Kennel Club had become active
towards the authorities, so that one could move the focus away from wolves to
dogs. Even having to discuss whether a dog breed should be considered
dangerous or not, is preferable to having to discuss on wolf related basis.
However, I don't think there is much chance of that happening, unless,
perhaps, if national Kennel Clubs from other countries could pressure the
Norwegian Kennel Club a bit..


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