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Old 08-02-2014, 13:26   #219
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Default Logan

vi metto a conoscenza della triste storia di Logan (di cui sono venuto a conoscenza questa mattina) un ragazzino americano affetto da un cancro cerebrale, scoperto quasi per caso. Ogni vostro supporto sul suo sito facebook (love for Logan)allevierà in qualche modo le sue sofferenze.
Ecco l'e.mail che ho ricevuto:
Dear Michele,

Congratulations! We will look forward to reading your book. Lou's family emigrated from Italy (Verona) and faced hardships along the way. They were swindled out of their money by an unscrupulous person who sold them land in a swamp. They were cattle farmers in Italy, and wanted land to raise cattle.

I have a story that will tug at your heart. In case the "thumbs up" gesture isn't one Italians normally use, I'll explain, and you can see pictures on Logan's Facebook page. To Americans, "thumbs up" means that everything is good, I've got it, -- "A OK."

A young lady named Cristee is helping us with our home building selections at Ferguson Lighting. When we met with her this week she told us about her 12-year-old nephew who has been diagnosed with a brain tumor in the last couple of weeks. She describes Logan as "all boy," -- a huge fan of Clemson, sports, hunting, military, and police "stuff." But he also has the sweetest nature and is so nice to his younger brother, cousins, and other children. She had always thought that he'd make the best dad when he grew up.

Logan's brain tumor is a rare type that has not been able to be researched as extensively as others, so treatments are almost 'clinical trials.' He was playing football last fall when the family first started noticing changes -- shuffling, less coordination, speech slurring. His doctor began treating him for an inner ear infection. When there was no improvement after a couple of weeks, his mom took him back to the doctor -- who then thought Logan may have had a stroke, and sent him immediately to the hospital. With testing done at the hospital, within six hours he was in an ambulance on his way to Duke Medical Center. As each bit of medical news grew worse, Logan's family was reeling. Logan, though, when asked how he's doing, gives a big smile and a "thumbs up" gesture. And he continues to, though his left side is now mostly paralyzed. Cristee showed us the scan of the tumor, and it is already large, and is wrapped in nerves so they cannot operate to remove it.

Cristee is effusive in her praise for the doctors and staff and volunteers at Duke -- they have been incredible. Aside from that and their faith in God, Logan's upbeat nature is the 'positive' that they are hanging onto day by day. His "thumbs up" gesture is now the shared gesture of support for Logan.

As word gets out about Logan's condition, people have been submitting photos of themselves and/or their groups of friends and associates giving the thumbs up gesture for Logan, as well as notes to him on his "Love for LOGAN" public community Facebook page. Cristee says it is the highlight of his day to sit with his mom and look at the messages folks send.

I'm copying the note from his mom on the "Love for LOGAN" page from last night:

"I don't get to write posts or updates too often and please bare with me on this. It is really hard to get a good signal on phone and wifi is very trying here. I'm not complaining in the least! It's go go go most days.

What I wanted to tell everyone is what an awesome job my son is doing! He is making some progress. It's not a lot but no one ever said this would be easy! His spirits as always, isup beat. You absolutely can not be in a bad mood around this kid! He will have you laughing or smiling or both at the same time! Today while getting ready for radiation, Logan is talking to one of the nurses and shes teasing him about girls or something like that.I hear him saying.
"I'm hotter than a hot pocket, you sprinkle water on my face and all you will see is steam I'm so hot"
Everyone just starts laughing their heads off at him.
Needless to say this boy is a highlight of their day! They absolutely love it when he comes in with his crooked smile, all personality and that thumb up! Yep! Ladies and Gentlemen, my son is my hero! He keeps me going. I smile all day with him and pray every night thanking God for him.....this world of ours would be so much better with a few more Logan's in it! Thats my personal opinion, but one I'm sticking to! He is amazing! I hope one day each and every one of you get to personally meet my son and see how truly remarkable he is! God Bless you and please keep us in your thoughts and prayers! Keep the pictures coming! He loves to look at them each day!"

As my mom says, "We don't know how blessed we are!" So I am asking that if you feel you can do a small thing to cheer this very brave little boy, to send him a "thumbs up" picture and note of support -- and keep him in your prayers. I'm not a Facebook user normally, and don't know how to post on the community site -- so if you are unskilled like me, you can send me a picture and/or note, and I will forward it by email to Cristee. If you know others who would like to join in also, please do tell them about Logan and his page. It would thrill him to receive mail from Italy and other foreign countries!

If only Humans could love each others like dogs, the world would be a Paradise!
Michele, Nut, Iside, Nefti & Zaira.

Last edited by pisculli; 08-02-2014 at 13:47.
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