2009-02-21 - Internationale Rassehundausstellung - Fribourg

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Show date:21/02/2009
Submitted by:milancin
Submitted on:21/02/2009
Youth class (9-18 months)
 1. Damon du Clos des GuerriersexcellentBest Junior, Youth Winner
Middle class
 1. Udinì Passo del Lupo (MIX: Mutara?)excellentCAC, res. CACIB
 2. Ckoo Mah' Ook de la Mollynière de Lo'Scale (MIX: Saarloos?)excellent
Open class
 1. Crying Wolf (MIX: Saarloos?) VolosexcellentBOB, CAC, CACIB
 2. Art z Viktoriinej záhradyexcellentres. CAC
 . Aslan vom Sturmwind (MIX: Saarloos?)very good
Champion class
 1. Crying Wolf MerlinexcellentCAC
 2. Morfeo Passo del Lupoexcellentres. CAC
Baby (3-6 months)
 1. Fergye Iaska von der Wolfsranchvery promissingBest Baby
Puppy (6-9 months)
 1. Di'sun-Shiynn de la Mollynière de Lo'Scalevery promissing
 . Di'sun-Shiynn de la Mollynière de Lo'Scale???
Youth class (9-18 months)
 1. Chye-Z'ddey de la Mollynière de Lo'Scale (MIX: Saarloos?)very good
 2. Déva'kalicz du Clos des Guerriersvery good
 3. Chenoa of the Mystic Wolvesvery good
 4. Fanny vom Wengerhofvery good
Open class
 1. Cyntia spod Ďumbieravery good
Working class
 1. Arimminum AshaexcellentCAC, res. CACIB
Champion class
 1. Alud -Lupimax-excellentCAC, CACIB
 2. Elsinki les P'tits Loups d'Amour (MIX: Saarloos?)excellentres. CAC